We are passionate about taking care of the animals we can and giving back to the pet community is very important to us.  We have been volunteers with the Michigan Humane Society and Silver Lake Animal Rescue League for many years now and encourage you to find a way to get involved! 

If you have a love for our furry friends, please find a way to give back to them for the joy they bring to our lives.  You can donate food, items (every shelter has a wish list) or especially your time.  A little can go such a long way in the life of a shelter animal.   

To see how you can get involved in Metro Detroit, please visit:

The Michigan Humane Society

To find a list of local shelters in your area, please visit:

For more information about the US pet community, please visit:
The ASPCA: The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals


Give back and share the love…